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Purnima Mead, Author 
(also known for her work as Writer & Producer of the Bollywood feature film: Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai)

As the eldest of five siblings, I was always caught by one of my brothers or sisters to tell them stories every night before going to bed. I spent summer nights out on our verandah telling stories to my sisters and brothers before they could fall asleep and when I ran out of stories, I made up stories, and it worked! At only 10 years old, this began my long journey of storytelling adventures.

Coming from a Christian family, I was often asked to tell a story during Children's Sabbath School, or at the Youth Fellowship, and so grew my audience, from siblings, to a group of children at Sabbath School, to a bigger Youth fellowship group. Today, I am so happy that I can reach out to every child through Bibia.

I spent my childhood mostly outdoors, playing in the backyard, under trees, and in the garden. I was able to see many creepy, crawly, flying, yucky, scary, noise-making, slithery, buzzing, fluttering, creatures - among which the most beautiful one was my favorite: the butterfly! Soft, colorful, delicate, and always among the flowers.

Born in India, settled in the United States, married to Stan, and having two beautiful children, daughter Nitasha Catherine, and step son, Stephen Mathew, convinces me to believe: What a wonderful world this is.

If anything qualifies me to write these books, it is my sheer belief that every child should be given a chance to read and be read to. With great expectation and request, I turn towards parents, grandparents, teachers, aunts, uncles, and anyone who can read, to take some time out of your busy schedule to read to a child today!

Meet Bibia


The legend of Bibia is one that was started from a little one year old girl. She simply spoke the word one day, and for a while, it stuck in her little growing universe of toys and wonder.


Today, the name Bibia is given to a butterfly in the world of children’s fictional stories. Bibia the butterfly is kind, loving, and friendly. She loves teaching, she loves nature, and she loves her friends!


We hope that Bibia is a part of your child’s learning experience. We believe that every child should be given a chance to read and be read to.

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